Even though people frequently seemed to question Jesus' timing, He deliberately planned certain aspects of His mission. For instance, Mary asked Jesus to perform a miracle at a wedding at Cana very early on in His mission. Then Jesus said, "My hour has not yet come" (John 2:4). However, He does a miracle right away that John refers to as "the first of the signs through which he unveiled his glory" (John 2:11).
Jesus had just gathered His followers, and they were both extended invitations to a wedding at Cana of Galilee (John 2:1–2). It is improbable that the host was ready for that many guests given how recently Jesus had chosen His followers (compare the time stamps in John 1:2, 1:35, and 2:1). Additionally, there was a wine shortage (John 2:3). Given that she issued orders to those who were serving at the wedding, Mary, Jesus' mother, appears to have been active in hosting the event (John 2:5). Mary informed Jesus (John 2:3) that there was no more wine, as though imploring Him to perform a miracle to make things right.
Mary might have wanted Jesus to reveal Himself to the world at that time. First, Jesus addressed her with respect, calling her "Woman" (John 2:4). He addressed those He was speaking to and those He was ministering to using the same phrase (Matthew 15:28; Luke 13:12; John 4:21; 8:10; 20:15). Later, when he was in charge of Mary's care at His crucifixion, he continued to use the phrase (John 19:26). Although Jesus granted Mary's request in the end, it's possible that when he said, "Woman, why do you involve me? He was gently reminding her that it wasn't her duty to oversee His mission when He said, "My hour has not yet arrived.
Mary gave orders to those in service to carry out what Jesus taught them after Jesus remarked, "My hour has not yet arrived" (John 2:4). (John 2:5). Jesus instructed the servants to fill the waterpots for hand washing (John 2:6–7). Jesus instructed them to draw out the contents of the pots and deliver them to the headwaiter after they had filled the pots with water "to the brim" (verse 7). (John 2:8). The process eventually resulted in the water becoming wine.
The headwaiter voiced his surprise that the best wine had been saved for last without knowing where the wine had come from (John 2:9). (John 2:10). Only the servants who brought the water that was changed into wine and the disciples were aware of the miracle that had taken place at the wedding. Moreover, according to John, this deed proved that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God, and "his disciples believed in him" (John 2:11).
Jesus' declaration that "My hour has not yet come" suggests that He was on a divine timetable and that He was controlling how quickly people would come to realise who He was. Mary probably desired a more noticeable miracle that everyone could witness and celebrate when she asked that Jesus perform something at the wedding. Jesus was aware that it was still early for that. He did execute a miracle, but it was covert and was only witnessed by a small number of individuals.
Jesus was aware that many would eventually reject His message that the kingdom of God was close by (Matthew 4:17). He was aware that He would die (Matthew 12:40–41) in order to atone for sin, grant eternal life to everyone who trusted in Him (John 5:24; 6:47), and grant them access to His upcoming kingdom (Matthew 5:20, 48; 6:33). When Jesus performed miracles on other occasions, He gave instructions to individuals who were blessed by them not to share what He had done (e.g., Matthew 8:4; 9:30; 12:16; 17:9; etc.). It appears that Jesus controlled the flow of His ministry so that events would take place in God's timing rather than at the whim and will of humans. Even the mother of Jesus was powerless to speed things up. While showing Mary respect and compassion by telling her that "My hour has not yet arrived," Jesus also gave the cause of God priority by performing the miracle in spite of that statement.